We grew up watching wrestling as a family, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine my sister would become a Wrestler herself. Over the last 11 years, I’ve seen her develop into an amazing athlete, learning the business, jumping the ropes, competing in the ring, and making a fruitful career, that has given her international recognition.
I spoke to The Female Predator Amazon, formally known as Ayesha Raymond about her wrestling journey, from the glitz and glamour of title matches and belts, to the challenges of being one of the very few black women in the British Wrestling industry and her plans as a professional athlete.
Growing up watching World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) - formally known as World Wrestling Federation (WWF) - was a weekly event in my household. From as young as I can remember, our family would watch the weekly series of Monday Night RAW on Sky Sports One and Smackdown on Saturday morning on Sky One, as well as anticipate the big pay per view events like Wrestlemainia and SummerSlam, featuring wrestling greats like Kane, The Undertaker, The Big Show and The Rock. But, it never occurred to me that one day I’d also see my sister in the ring. Wrestling was a huge part of our childhood entertainment, and although there was blood, gore, carnage and some of the corniest stories lines, signature moves like The Rock’s Rock Bottom, Ric Flair’s Figure 4 Leg Lock or Shawn Michael’s Sweet Chin Music, turned fighting into an art.