When Tobi told me that I’d be writing this week’s newsletter my face said ‘okay great’ meanwhile the voice in my head screamed “Excuse ME?! Are you joking or...??” Knowing the impact and significance of Tobi's letters within the Black Ballad community, I felt just a tiny bit out of my depth, but as those of us battling our inner demons say: we move.
I guess the first place to start would be to introduce myself. To those who don’t know me, my name is Mia and I’m Black Ballad’s Junior Content Creator. I’m 23-years-old and from the North East (of England, NOT London) and I currently live in Liverpool, thus making me BB’s youngest and northern-est member of the team. Within Black Ballad I’m responsible for the majority of video content Black Ballad produces, occasionally I write pieces and create social media posts.
I haven’t always been a creative person, and to an extent, I’m still not. I studied English Language at university and my ‘creative’ hobbies only really developed within the last two to three years when I began producing my own podcast. A lot of the skills I use for my job here at Black Ballad have been self taught, which often comes with a lot of self doubt. Even labelling myself as a ‘creative’ makes me feel a bit uncomfortable.