By now, it’s clear to many that Brexit risks having a devastating impact on the NHS. The possibility of the delay in receiving medicine, longer waiting times and rising vacancies puts the health of many at danger. So things will be worse for demographics who are already in a disadvantaged position. While there has been some discussion on how Brexit will impact women’s health, not enough attention of the medical consequences women potentially face at the hands of Brexit has been covered in enough depth. The health implications that Brexit has for ethnic minorities have had even less consideration. And there has been no attention paid to people like me - ethnic minority women - who intersect between both categories, and will have it worse than both white women and ethnic minority men in some cases.
Broadly speaking, women have greater health and social care needs than men. But as a black woman, I already know that the health risks I face are higher than white women in certain areas. For example, black women are at a higher risk of fibroids, black women are more likely to be diagnosed with advanced breast cancer, and for women born in Central and Western Africa, cancer mortality rates are generally higher compared to those born in England. These are just some of the risks, without taking into account the impact that exiting the EU may have. However, an upcoming report from Ethnic Minorities for a People’s Vote and Women for a People’s Vote shows that in some areas, Brexit may have a negative impact on the health of ethnic minority women.