Despite the systemic microaggressions and racist encounters many of us go through in Britain, not all of us have found the strength to step forward and voice our fears and concerns as Black and Brown people in the UK. But for Haddy Njie, Gambian-British risk manager, who resides in York, the volume of racism simply reached its boiling point.
“I wasn’t born here, but I grew up in Huddersfield and although it’s appropriate to say that I’ve experienced racism in the past, my experiences in York, as someone who had recently moved from London back in 2015, were unmatched,” she explains.
“My life changed for the worst, particularly after a horrific racist incident with a taxi driver. Following a simple reroute request as I headed to the train station, the driver verbally assaulted me by calling me the N-word several times and demanded that I exit the taxi with my belongings while in the middle of the road.