Revenge porn is a form of image-based abuse which involves the act of sharing sexually explicit images or videos of a person without their consent. This malicious act is intended to cause harm or distress to the person as a vengeful measure.
In a 2022 study conducted by Statista, women in the UK were significantly more likely to be victims of revenge porn. About 29% of victims were women between the ages of 40-60+ years, 27% were women between the ages of 30-39 years, 15% were between the ages of 21-29 years with 10% being girls aged 16 or younger.
In a patriarchal society where sexual double standards persist, revenge porn can be viewed as a form of violence against women. This is because these acts seek to shame, abuse and silence women, perpetuating online misogyny and upholding power dynamics by failing to punish men for abusing women. Revenge porn often subjects victims to blame and criticism, which empowers abusers to continue their harmful actions.