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Sian Carter On Navigating Grief & The British-Caribbean Family

“I want to cry, I want to shout, but I have to keep going.”

These words couldn’t ring truer for a lot of black women navigating challenges and hardship in their lives. The constant urge to keep going, knowing that the people around you need you, or being scared about what could happen if you don’t keep going. But is this approach sustainable? 

Sian Carter, playwright of new family drama Running With Lions at Lyric Hammersmith, explores grief, faith, mental health and more as one British-Caribbean family navigates the loss of a family member, responding in the way they think is ‘best’ for the family, and for themselves.

We sat down with Sian to discuss the themes of her debut play and the evolution of grief.

Note: the interview has been shortened and edited for publication.