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No Justice For Women (Again): What’s The Point Of The Metropolitan Police Service?

Content warning: There are mentions of sexual assault and rape in this article.

I am of the opinion that a successful society is one with a sceptical majority. Where the people are questioning, critical and exacting. One with citizens who digest information instead of consume, who take pause when thinking about what they want, who have the audacity to want! In that way Britain is not a successful society. 

Because in Britain the majority are committed to a false sense of security. Most have accepted that the way we live now may not be perfect, but that it could be worse. With no desire to imagine that it could also be better. This could be true of almost all of Britain’s issues but at this moment I’d like us to focus on the function of policing. And more specifically to think about what we need when we’re harmed. 

When you get hurt, who’s the first person you think of? Mum? Dad? Maybe it’s your partner, a sibling or your bestie. Perhaps you don’t think of anyone at all. It’s likely that who we require in moments of pain, who we call out to and need to hear from, reflect how we wish to receive care. But what drives us to turn to those people or in other cases to turn inwards?