Exactly five years ago today, I launched my business MDMflow in a barbershop on Coldharbour Lane, Brixton. I brought DJ Soe in from Antwerp and partied with 30 or so of my friends. I was 22 and had graduated from my BSc in Cosmetic Science the month prior. I knew everything there was to know about creating a cosmetic product - yet I knew next to nothing about running a start-up business.
If you had asked me then what my plan was. it would probably have read something like: launch my lipstick ranges in one or two stores, then launch in 5 - 10 stores and in year five focus on scaling worldwide. Half a decade later it has been everything but the straight positive incline I expected, but somehow I've managed to stick it out. So here are 10 of the most important lessons I've learnt so far through starting my business.