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How To Reconnect With Your African Spirituality This Year

One of the greatest tragedies of human existence is women not embracing the innate, intuitive power that stirs within their Souls. If connection to our essence is lost, the whole world suffers.

Our African ancestors knew this well and dedicated their lives to honouring and developing their spiritual intelligence. Yet, often fearful of our inner wisdom, many of us have evolved disconnected. Finding our way back demands transparency and the courage to ask questions we might never have dared ask before, but the rewards are limitless.

Whichever way you relate to ‘God’, there’s no escaping the truth that organised religion has played a huge part in shrinking and dissolving women’s power. As Christina Cleveland demonstrates in her book God Is A Black Woman, toxic masculinity has “colonised our understanding of God by exterminating the voices of the divine femininity for centuries.”