Storytelling plays a massive role in how we see the world, especially in the digital age. From documentaries, to articles, to books and podcasting, storytelling provides us with different narratives and helps us form new perspectives, and it can also be used as a form of activism. One of the main reasons for me wanting to become a writer was to spark conversations about race and identity and to inspire other black women to do the same.
I’ve always been someone who has enjoyed different forms of storytelling, but I recently went to a festival on podcasting which reinforced why I place so much importance on it. The Shout Live Festival was created by Imriel Morgan (creator of Wanna Be podcast) and aimed to empower female podcasters to continue to create content. During the day I met so many different women with podcasts covering a range of topics. From working in medicine to podcasts on relationships, I was taken back by how many women have joined the podcasting space.