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From Pet To Threat: How I Navigate This Toxic Phenomenon As An Ambitious and Talented Black Woman

From a young age, I have been incredibly clever, talented, ambitious, diligent, dedicated, committed and conscientious. I’ve always had to be, because I knew these traits would take me far in life. I have big dreams for my career, plus I have tenacity and grit, so I have all the right values to be successful – and I am!

While I was aware of the potential issues I could face as a Black woman in the world of work, nothing could have prepared me for the workplace toxicity, dramas and traumas I experienced. In the past, these negatively impacted my career and damaged me as a person, but now, I’m in a much better place in my career.

I work as a content manager for a digital marketing and advertising agency – a job I’m extremely passionate and enthusiastic about. I absolutely love my job, the teams I’m part of and the workplace, which is a positive space that allows me to thrive and flourish.