I decided on the subject of my newsletter this week yesterday afternoon, when I was travelling through the Blackwall tunnel in the back of an Uber. I was with my little sisters (well, my husband’s sisters, but calling them my sisters in law doesn’t do our relationship justice) talking about their mum. As we heading to a hotel in South East London to celebrate her 60th birthday, we discussed the fact that my mother in love (again, the in law thing isn’t quite right) celebrates life to the fullest. For her 60th, the memo was go big or go home and my father in love delivered spectacularly with the party he decided to throw her.
As we sat in traffic, we discussed how she is always ready to celebrate her wins, her achievements and landmark occasions, because of the gratitude she has for life in general. As we discussed this, it made me think about if and how often I celebrate myself, why I do it less as I get older and why celebrating myself is more significant than just throwing yourself a party or telling the world on social media your latest win.