If there is one thing we know as black people, it is that we have to be twice as good just to be considered or mentioned in the same breath as our white counterparts. Yet, as black people, and especially as black women, we have to be at least three times wiser with our words, how we say them, and to whom we say them.
It is more than arguable that Boris Johnson’s premiership was built on racist attitudes and values. He has called black people “piccaninnies” with “watermelon smiles,” and we all know it didn’t stop there. He said Muslim women who wear full-face veils look like “letterboxes” and compared them to “bank robbers.” And we can’t forget that in an article for the Guardian, he wrote racism was as natural as sewage and that he would love to pretend that he “doesn’t turn a hair” when running past black boys late at night. These comments acted as a rallying cry for racists who wanted to use their vote to edge one step closer to a whiter Britain.