It took one of my best friends to convince me to join the app. My husband, who had downloaded it, had been talking to me about the app for weeks, but I didn’t have any interest. Yet speaking to my friend, she explained that the social media app is great because you can be part of and listen into conversations that can help expand your thinking and be part of enlightening conversations that may better inform your opinions.
So when I joined, I followed the advice given by both my friend and husband in being strategic in who I follow and personally decided that rooms discussing parenthood and business would be most likely where I would find myself. Of course, I’ve listened in on other conversations too and what was the common thread? No matter the subject, black people and especially black women, were moderating conversations that were not just interesting, but creating a buzz that travelled beyond the digital walls of the app’s discussion rooms, often ending up trending on Twitter, infiltrating WhatsApp conversations and Zoom calls.