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Editor's Letter: Is The UK Racist? Definitely, 100% - I Just Won't Be Debating It Anymore

So here I am writing the last newsletter of the year. It is unbelievable to think another year and an entire decade has passed, but that is what time does, it passes and it is up to us how we make the most of it, by who and how we choose to spend our time.

All week I have thought: "is there a right newsletter to end the year on?" "Am I supposed to write a newsletter that reveals some major life lessons that I can share with anyone who chooses to read this?" I thought back to this year, the major lessons, the moments that have given me the most euphoric rushes and the moments that have genuinely stretched and challenged me beyond words and no doubt dented my confidence. I started to jot down ideas in the Notes app in my iPhone but nothing seemed to quite work. However, as I mulled over this year, I realised that I haven't spoken or written about race as much as I have in past years. I thought about this and said my thoughts out loud to my husband and began to wonder why.