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Books To Help You Get Through It (Because We Are All Going Through It!)

As James Baldwin said, “You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read.” 

I’ve always held onto pain in my chest. It’s something I try not to do, but I can’t seem to stop. Even when I forgive someone or something, I can still feel a heavy sadness sitting on top of my lungs for weeks on end. At first, I just accepted that as a July Cancer (and in my brother’s wise words), it do be like that sometimes.

My therapist disagreed (shoutout to my girl). She candidly told me that I needed to figure out ways to process and let go of pain. That walking around with what feels like the weight of the world is not sustainable…or healthy. Of course, I nodded when she said that, but had no idea what she actually meant.