It is important to make sure we take care of every part of our body. But how often do we actually think about our underarms? Whether you deal with excess sweating and irritable underarms, or hyperpigmentation and shaving rash, then this BB Perk is for you.
BB is looking for 18 BB Members to take part in paid focus groups to talk about their underarms at the end of August.

Black Ballad is partnering with a leading personal care brand to understand the problems, issues and experiences Black women have with their underarms. We’ll be conducting two focus groups lasting 60 - 90 mins, led by Senior Cultural Research & Strategist Leonie Annor-Owiredu. The findings of the research will contribute towards a report on the topic which will be released later this year. Because your time and experiences are valuable, each participant will be paid £100 + travel expenses, to ensure this is accessible for Black women across every part of the UK.
For this BB Perk, we are looking for Black women who:
👩🏾 Are between 25 - 70 years old
🚂 Would be able to get to an east London location on either 29th or 31st August at 7pm
💪🏿 Willing to take part in a focus group about their relationship with their underarms (minimum 60 minutes, maximum 90 minutes)
💷 Want to get paid £100! (Please note your fee & expenses will be paid within 30 days of submitting your invoice)
Please note:
💪🏾 We will give BB Members the opportunity to sign up for this paid focus group on underarm health from Saturday 19th August at 9pm.
💪🏽 Please note that being a Black Ballad Member does not guarantee your participation in this BB Perk. Sign ups will be screened and selected based on criteria required for the research.
Unfortunately, this BB Perk has ended. Visit Black Ballad Perks for up-to-date information about our current perks.
What You Need To Do Next
Become a Black Ballad Member and get exclusive access to free products, events, experiences and more that help black women live their best lives
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If logging in didn't work, email us at [email protected].