Nina Bobie, 25, lives in East London with her parents and three brothers. She works in one of London's most famous prisons for men as a pharmacist.
BB: Describe your job role
NB: I simply dispense and check that medication that goes out to the prisoners are correct in date, rightly prescribed by the doctor and correct in dose. I also speak to the nurses and doctors concerning any medicinal advice they may need. I run health clinics three days per week, where I provide over the counter medication for any health concerns that the prisoners may have.
BB: What is the best thing about your job?
NB: Being able to help prisoners. I genuinely enjoy talking to the prisoners about looking after themselves and encouraging them to keep looking after their health. I also enjoy the close working relationship I have with other healthcare professionals, as I learn a lot from them and highly appreciate what they do and their commitment to making the prisoners stay healthy.
BB: Describe your academic journey to pharmacy?
NB: It's been a five-year journey since starting university and it has been a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs; nevertheless, my faith in God has helped me through. However, before starting my pharmacy degree at Kent, I studied Chemistry, Biology, Maths and History for two years for my A-Levels. I hated it! I found it challenging, but it was during this time that I grew the most, so I appreciate those years. Those subjects laid the foundation for the four-year degree. I did one resit in my second year at university, which was the hardest academic year of my MPharm degree. Afterwards, I did a professional exam to qualify as a pharmacist. This involved working and studying, it was quite a lot to balance and I had to really tame my lifestyle. I had three chances to pass and managed to pass on my second attempt.
BB: How would you describe your relationship between your spiritual journey and your career?
NB: Honestly, it peaked whilst at university. You experience so many things at university that it gets to a point where you realise: God is limitless. Despite how limited you are, if God says you’re going to get there, then you’re going to get there. If God says yes, then yes it is. That’s the type of faith I’ve developed.