In Bodies an intriguing mystery unravels across four different eras, where four detectives independently investigate the same body. Themes of time, history, identity, and transformation are intricately woven into this series. DS Shahara Hassan, one of the central detectives, establishes her presence in the very first scene, leaving a lasting impression as the series unfolds.
I recently sat down with the talented Amaka Okafor to discuss her standout role as DS Hassan in the Netflix series. This leads to the question: what was it about this project that piqued her interest?
“I just got the pilot for the audition, so I didn’t have any of the other episodes,” Amaka reveals. “I find script reading quite hard sometimes, but I raced through that script. I read it all in one sitting, which I never do. I always need a break [but] I raced through the script and I was like, ‘Yeah, I really want to play this woman, but also I really need to know what happens next.’"