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Editor's Letter: I Need To Start Acknowledging My Privilege In Black Womanhood & Do Better

One of the most difficult aspects of this journey of black feminism is the subject of allyship. It's essential for black women to have allies in order for us to move forward and make sure that we are able to have the same opportunities as white male and female counterparts. The truth is that while a black woman talking about the extra challenges she faces should be enough to push others into both empathy and action, this is not always the case. Sometimes those in power need to be delivered the message of unfair privilege. 

Intersectional feminism often feels like a trend. Everybody wants to be seen to be intersectional and that can mean giving a black or brown women a chance to tell their story in some capacity, sharing work that talks about issues of race, or even reading books that discuss black womanhood just to keep up with what's going on in social media. At times this feminism, this intersectional feminism that everybody loves to read about, talk about and even have in their social media bios feels empty because their action is lacking. After reading articles, books and listening to black and brown women, maybe some people need to follow up with thinking about how to take action.