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BB Members Perk: Win A Garnier Curly Hair Edit Gift Box!

It's undeniable that Black Hair Care in the UK has improved. However, while there are more products for us to choose from, finding them in stores isn't always as straight forward as it should be. According to recent research, more than 1 in every three black women still feel underrepresented in media and find it harder to find suitable haircare for their needs in mass stores.

As much as it is great that black-owned and indie hair brands exist for us, it is just as important that mass brands also show up for black women, so great hair care for us is as accessible as possible. That's why we're continuing our partnership with Garnier to show black women their new supercharged Hair Food Range – the UK’s Number 1 Hair Mask range.

Now, when we see claims like that, we normally think "did they ask us though?" In this case, the answer is actually, yes! Garnier Hair designed and tested their Hair Food Range on all hair & curl types, including Type 4 curls, coils and afro hair. In a recent consumer test, 94% of women with Type 4 hair said they would recommend our products to their friends & family.

BB x Garnier gift box

We wanted BB Members to see how good the Hair Food Range for themselves, so we collaborated with Garnier Hair to make their Curly Hair Edit Gift Box our next BB Members Perk. 

75 BB Members will get the following delivered to their home:

πŸ‘ΈπŸΏ Garnier Banana Hair Mask
πŸ‘ΈπŸΎ Garnier Coconut Hair Mask 
πŸ‘ΈπŸ½ Garnier Banana Hair Drink
πŸ‘©πŸΏ‍🦱 Tangle Teezer Hair Brush
πŸ‘©πŸΎ‍🦱 Yeye Mi Pillow Case 
πŸ‘©πŸ½‍🦱 Krafts By Kerry ™ Bonnet

Black ballad & Garnier

For this BB Members Perk, we are looking for 75 Black women who:

πŸ‘©πŸΏ‍🦱 Plan on washing on their hair this summer

πŸ‘©πŸΎ‍🦱 Willing to give us a review of the products

πŸ‘©πŸ½‍🦱 Are of course, Black Ballad members

πŸ’ͺ🏾 BB Members the opportunity to sign up for BB Member's Perk: Garnier's Curly Hair Edit until Wednesday 7th August at 10am.

πŸ’ͺ🏽 Please note that being a Black Ballad Member does not guarantee you a gift box. If more than 75 BB Members sign up, winners will be chosen at via a random number generator on Thursday 8th August.

Unfortunately, this BB Perk has ended. Visit Black Ballad Perks for up-to-date information about our current perks.

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